Johnny 3 Tears vorrebbe i fans degli A7X

Vista l’imminente uscita del nuovo cd degli Hollywood Undead “Notes From The Underground”, band molto vicina ai nostri ragazzi, fra le recenti interviste promozionali che la band sta rilasciando, durante quella a SMN News, Johnny 3 Tears ha ammesso scherzosamente che vorrebbe fregare il fandom degli Avenged Sevenfold perchè “oltre ad essere grande è molto dedicato alla band”.

SMNnews: I completely understand. So, if you could pick one other band to steal their entire fan base, which bands fans would you steal?
J3T: Um, I would go with Avenged Sevenfold. Because their fan base is big, but they’re also very dedicated. They have an army behind them. We toured with them a couple times and I was always envious because the kids really like them, but for good reason. But they’re very dedicated; they know every word to every song and stuff like that.

