Messaggio ufficiale di Matt sul videogame

Sulla pagina facebook ufficiale della band è appena stato postato un lungo messaggio firmato dal nostro M. Shadows, in cui dopo aver ringraziato i fans accorsi alle date di queste serate, presenta ufficialmente il videogioco targato A7X di cui vi abbiamo parlato giorni fa.

Dear Friends,
I wanted to start off by thanking those of you who came out to the 3 shows we did this weekend. We had a great time getting out of the studio and preparing for our “Hail to the King” album release. We are excited about the 27th and we hope you all are as well.
The reason I’m writing this is to shed some light on a few things we will be doing this fall besides touring and promoting “Hail to the King”. First I would like to let you all know that for the past 18 months we have been writing and developing an IOS / Android based mobile Avenged Sevenfold game.
Without revealing too much I will just say that it is an action adventure game. It has been written and developed by the band and with our friends in Subscience Studios. It’s turning out awesome. We can’t wait to show you more when it’s ready.
What we can show you though is a trailer for the new “Hail to the King” animated series that we and our friends at Machinima have been working on. The game and the series will go hand in hand with each other. We hope you enjoy them both because I know we have had a great time developing them.
– M. Shadows

