Avenged Sevenfold al Download 2014

Per la prima volta nella loro carriera, gli Avenged Sevenfold si esibiranno come headliner ad un festival inglese.
Si tratta del Download festival il 13 giugno e come special guest ci sarร  Rob Zombie.
I biglietti sono giร  in vendita sul sito del Download con uno sconto di 10ยฃ fino all’8 Novembre.

We are proud to be announced as the first headliner for Download Festival 2014. Friday, 13th June 2014 will mark a momentous occasion in the history of Avenged Sevenfold as we continue the tradition of spectacular Download performances by becoming headliners for the very first time, not just at Download, but at any UK festival.
Tickets are available now at an Earlybird rate of ยฃ10 off 2013 prices until 9am Friday 8th November 2013, they will then increase. Order tickets from http://www.downloadfestival.co.uk/

