Matt concede un AMA ai fan su Reddit per l’uscita di A7X: deathbat

Per l’uscita del video games Matt ha concesso hai fans un AMA (ask me anything) su Reddit. Ecco il suo messaggio:

I am M. Shadows of Avenged sevenfold. After over two years of development we are proud to release Hail to the King: Deathbat. After watching all of the members of this band play mobile games on tour over the years we decided to create one of our own. A game for our fans who love games as well. We decided to create this adventure with a nod to our favorite games growing up. No hand holding here, no fluff, just a hard, bad ass game that lets you discover the story of the Deathbat. How many of you out there can beat this game? Only time will tell. We are excited to share this story with you now.
The latest trailer for the game is here:
Buy on the App Store: Buy on Google Play:
My Proof:

Qui potete leggere tutte le domande a cui ha risposto

Ecco un estratto:

Do you like Lady Gaga?
[โ€“]iammshadowsM. Shadows (Avenged Sevenfold)[S] 61 punti an hour ago
Who doesnt?

[โ€“]DrumToTheHills 57 punti an hour ago*
Can you share any news about the DVD you’ve been working on for the past few years? Also, thought I’d share this portrait I did a while back!
[โ€“]iammshadowsM. Shadows (Avenged Sevenfold)[S] 53 punti an hour ago
is that a photo or a drawing? awesome! DVD is in the works and is coming out great. 7 years of footage is a lot to sift through… but it will be worth it I hope

Da questo deduciamo anche qualcosa sul DVD, ancora in lavorazione, a quanto dice Matt, ci sarร  sicuramente molto da attendere stanno lavorando su 7 anni di materiale ma ne varrร  la pena.

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