Articolo su Billboard: Il mostruoso ritorno del Metal

Il sito Billboard ha recentemente pubblicato un articolo sul ritorno della musica Metal sulla scena mondiale, partendo dagli anni 90 fino ai giorni nostri. In questo articolo, che potete leggere qui, gli Avenged Sevenfold vengono citati ben due volte:

The economics are another positive as theย talent pool offers up scores of acts with significant name recognition but not the heftyย price tags. โ€œA lot of these bands have been around for a long time, theyโ€™ve got very loyal and rabid fan bases that come out and support their bands,โ€ says Litvag, who believesย affordable pricing allows producers to stack the deck without busting the budget.ย โ€œAvenged Sevenfold, Slipknot, those bands work in our financial model and โ€” in the past at least โ€” bands like Red Hot Chili Peppers just donโ€™t,โ€ he adds. โ€œUltimately, it allows us to keep our financial model in check and not have to jack ticket prices up so much to where we have to leave our fans at home because they canโ€™t afford to come. That would be a devastating blow if we did that.โ€

In questa parte si fa riferimento ai modelli finanziari di alcune band che permettono di mantenere i prezzi dei biglietti accessibili; gli a7x vengono citati assieme agli slipknot.

Meanwhile, Wimmer sees signs of hard rock musicโ€™s rising cultural impact everywhere, from the branding for craft beers to metal-influenced imagery in craft beers and vape shops to the emergence of hipster metal and an arena-level rebound for Slayer. โ€œNirvana didnโ€™t break alternative, there was something already brewing and Nirvana was just the band that you could point out,โ€ he says. ย โ€œGo to your grocery store, thereโ€™s metal imagery everywhere. Foo Fighters are selling out stadiums, thatโ€™s a rock act. Black Keys is a rock act, Jack White is a rock act. I want AWOL Nation and Kings Of Leon playing with Avenged Sevenfold; itโ€™s good for music and it will help grow both sides. The key is to keep investing in all the genres and subgenres. How many times can Red Hot Chili Peppers play a dance event?โ€

In questa invece si parla del sempre maggior consenso verso la musica hard rock a livello mondiale, vengono citate un bel pรฒ di band di successo tra cui i nostri.
