Brendon Urie, cantante dei Panic at the Disco è stato ospite del podcast Your Mum’s house della coppia comica Tom Segura e Christina Pazsitzky e, tra le altre cose ha raccontato qualcosa riguardo i primi anni di gavetta e del tour bus dove lui e i suoi compagni erano soliti svegliarsi con la musica degli Avenged Sevenfold a tutto volume.
A questo proposito, il cantante, non ha perso occasione per complimentarsi con i nostri ragazzi, ecco cosa ha detto:
Brendon: “The great thing is, we used to have these speakers in the conversion van, they were so stupid but you could angle them in certain places so whoever was sleeping on this side was the loudest speaker and that was right when some band, Avenged Sevenfold, came out with a new album.”
Christina: “Oh yeah we’re friends with…”
Brendon: “They’re so nice, the nicest people. You put it back to that thing and whoever was sleeping got really mad. But, that’s how you woke them up for their shift.
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Collaboratrice dal 2011.